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Sennheiser facts

Selected facts and figures give you an overview about Sennheiser and everything you need to know about the development of our company.


in 1945 as “Laboratorium Wennebostel” by Prof. Dr. Fritz Sennheiser


Microphones, headphones, wired microphone and monitoring systems, conference and information technology, products for assistive listening, and aviation headsets


€ 584.4 million (2012)

Number of employees

2,329 people worldwide (2012 average), 1,226 (53 %) in Germany and 1,103 (47 %) abroad

Other companies of the Sennheiser Group include

  • Georg Neumann GmbH, Berlin (studio microphones and monitor loudspeakers; since 1991)
  • the joint venture Sennheiser Communications A/S (headsets for PCs, offices and call centres; since 2003)

Manufacturing plants

  • Germany (microphones, headphones, wireless microphone and monitoring systems, conference and information systems, aviation headsets)
  • Ireland (headphones, audiology products, monitor loudspeakers, integrated systems products)
  • USA (wireless microphone and monitoring systems)

Sales subsidiaries

France, Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Germany, Denmark (Nordic), Russia, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, and the USA

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Jörg Sennheiser

2012 Turnover by region:

  • Americas: €146.5 million
  • EMEA: €342.9 million
  • APAC: €95.0 million

2012 Turnover by division, in percent

  • Consumer Division: 49 %
  • Professional Systems: 35 %
  • Integrated Systems: 16 %

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