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Austrian security for Armenian governmental bodies

Ավստրիական անվտանգություն` հայկական կառավարական մարմինների համար

AS-TECH (official representative of Austrian «Mils Electronic» company) offers information security

reliable system.

Austrian security for Armenian governmental bodies! AS-TECH considered ArmExpo as a good reason to invite the famous European partner. Helmut Woeginger is in Armenia not for the 1st time, but he's in ArmExpo for the 1st time. He'll introduce Austrian information almost unbreakable security offer to Armenians.
Either personal or state level messages will not be in hackers' hand , if the PC has Mils Electronic devices. Simple key to make computer files' information unbreakable.

Austrian security specialist shows Austrian traditional hat to introduce the invulnerable IT system in a simple way.  The hat defends Austrian hunters while climbling the mountains.


Official representative of «Mils Electronic»  AS-TECH assures Armenian information will be the most secured one on the internet. Austrian artillery will be the best defense of Armenia in the IT war.

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